Istanbul Zalem Series

Istanbul Zalem Turkish Series

Istanbul Zalem Turkish Series PosterThe series features two families who come from very different backgrounds. The father from the wealthy family is on a mission to find his son, who is in a wheelchair, a wife. He loves his son very much and he is willing to pay however much in order for this deal to happen. The second family is struggling to make ends meet, since they do not have a lot of money. When they hear of this potential arrangement, the mother of the poor family considers offering her eldest daughter. It is a hard decision for her to make, and she struggles with what to do. The eldest daughter is a young woman who is attempting to enter the fashion world, and tries to rise to the top. Even though she is close with her family, she is faced with lies from the people around her.

The poorer family must travel all the way from Antalya to Istanbul in order to ensure this transaction, so it features their long journey. Once they get there, trouble ensues as the truth slowly starts to unravel. Will the eldest daughter be able to cope with her family lying to her? Will she fall for the son of the wealthy family?

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